Why do I have Dark Circles under my Eyes??
When you wake up with dark circles under your eyes, lack of sleep and stress are of the first things we think of. While getting a decent amount of sleep is incredibly important, being tired isn’t the only reason for the panda eyes.
Bad Genes
This is one thing that you can blame your parents for!!
Certain genes include hereditary conditions that run in families that can lead to darkness under the eyes, and unfortunately they are more common in the Mediterranean backgrounds.
Your Bone Structure:
Surprisingly, it could be as simple as your face bone structure. Deeper tear channels could cause shadowing and indentation around your eyes that may increase appearance of darkness.
Some Medication:
Certain hypertension medications that cause dilation of blood vessels can cause the thin skin under the eyes to darken due to the increased blood flow under the skin's surface.
Eye Make-up
Eye make-up, whether it's a mascara, eye-shadow, or even concealer that doesn’t suite your skin, may cause allergic reaction and irritate the skin around your eyes and cause the circles to appear darker.