Summer to fall, a smooth transition

We constantly receive all kinds of questions from our clients regarding their skin concerns, from dryness and breakouts to fine lines and sagginess.

Around the change of seasons and welcoming of fall, some of you find it hard to figure out how to take care of their skin as we transition out of the hot summer climate to the cold, windy conditions of fall.

So, we will try to answer some of the questions that are on your minds

-         Dryness!

Yes that is the first and most problem that majority of you face.  

You should treat your skin the way you treat your wardrobe,

Same as you wouldn’t wear a tank top outside in cold weather, you shouldn’t use your light-weight moisturizer care products as the weather gets colder.

Introduce more hydrating daily skin care regimen for your face, use a heavier moisturizer, do a home hydrating mask once a week and book a hydrating facial every 6 weeks.


-         Dull skin

We all know the importance of regular exfoliation, it helps clear out and smooth your skin, but in the fall your skin is exposed to harsher conditions which weaken the skin barrier and make your skin more susceptible to irritation. So ease back on the exfoliation and watch out for signs of over-exfoliation and irritation, try to follow up exfoliation with a hydrating mask, this way you will remove the dullness and protect your skin

You can replace your regular facial exfoliant with a light glycolic acid or lactic acid night serum; they are mild exfoliants that also has hydrating properties.



-         Sun Screen

That is the most common misconception!

You shouldn’t forget the basics Just because it’s no longer summer.

 Sunscreen should be used at all times because it generally helps decrease the incoming UV radiation 



-         Keep Summer Glow Going with a Tan

You don’t have to stop tanning as soon as summer ends. Going to Solarium tanning in Amman is recommended to keep sun-kissed color regardless of the time of year.

It’s not only a great way to get a bronzed look in the fall, but it also gives a little bit of Vitamin D and boosts your morals.  




Solace SkinCare